The script presented in this page can be used to get canvas image and save it on server, in PNG format.
• To download the script, click this link: Save Canvas Image on Server (9 KB).
The script contains a button that, when it is clicked, the base64 image data of the canvas is send with Ajax to a PHP script that decodes it and save it into a folder on server; and a Div where the Ajax response is displayed.
Before to send the image to server, the script will display a Prompt dialog where you can set a name for the canvas-image. If you let the Prompt dialog empty, the PHP script will set an unique name with uniqid() function.
- Add the html /javascript code into your page, and the "save_cnvimg.php" file in the same folder.
- You can delete the #cnv1 canvas element. Replace 'cnv1' in the JavaScript code with the ID of your canvas.
- In the UPLOAD_DIR constant, in php code, set the path to the upload folder on your server.
HTML JavaScript code
- Click on the code to select it.
<canvas id="cnv1" width="400" height="280"></canvas>
<button id="btn_cnvimg">Save Canvas Image</button>
<div id="ajaxresp">Ajax response</div>
var cnv = document.getElementById('cnv1'); //Replace 'cnv1' with your canvas ID
var php_file ='save_cnvimg.php'; //address of php file that get and save image on server
/* Ajax Function
Send "data" to "php", using the method added to "via", and pass response to "callback" function
data - object with data to send, name:value; ex.: {"name1":"val1", "name2":"2"}
php - address of the php file where data is send
via - request method, a string: 'post', or 'get'
callback - function called to proccess the server response
function ajaxSend(data, php, via, callback) {
var ob_ajax = (window.XMLHttpRequest) ? new XMLHttpRequest() : new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP'); //XMLHttpRequest object
//put data from 'data' into a string to be send to 'php'
var str_data ='';
for(var k in data) {
str_data += k +'='+ data[k].replace(/\?/g, '?').replace(/=/g, '=').replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/[ ]+/g, ' ') +'&'
str_data = str_data.replace(/&$/, ''); //delete ending &
//send data to php, php, true);
if(via =='post') ob_ajax.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
//check the state request, if completed, pass the response to callback function
ob_ajax.onreadystatechange = function(){
if (ob_ajax.readyState == 4) callback(ob_ajax.responseText);
//register click on #btn_cnvimg to get and save image
var btn_cnvimg = document.getElementById('btn_cnvimg');
if(btn_cnvimg) btn_cnvimg.addEventListener('click', function(e){
var imgname = window.prompt('Set a name for the image.\n- If you set a name that already exists,\n the image will be replaced with current canvas-image\n\nLeave empty to let the script set an unique name.', '');
if(imgname !== null){
//set data that will be send with ajaxSend() to php (base64 PNG image-data of the canvas, and image-name)
var img_data = {'cnvimg':cnv.toDataURL('image/png', 1.0), 'imgname':imgname};
//send image-data to php file
ajaxSend(img_data, php_file, 'post', function(resp){
//show server response in #ajaxresp, if not exist, alert response
if(document.getElementById('ajaxresp')) document.getElementById('ajaxresp').innerHTML = resp;
else alert(resp);
Code of the save_cnvimg.php file
define('UPLOAD_DIR', 'uploads/'); //Upload folder
//get properly base64 image data passed via post in 'cnvimg'
$cnvimg = trim(strip_tags($_POST['cnvimg']));
$cnvimg = str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $cnvimg);
$cnvimg = str_replace(' ', '+', $cnvimg);
//set image name from 'imgname', or unique name set with uniqid()
$imgname = (isset($_POST['imgname']) && !empty(trim($_POST['imgname']))) ? trim(strip_tags($_POST['imgname'])) : uniqid();
//get image data from base64 and save it on server
$data = base64_decode($cnvimg);
$file = UPLOAD_DIR . $imgname .'.png';
$success = file_put_contents($file, $data);
//output response (link to image file, or error message)
print $success ? 'Image: <a href="'. $file .'" target="_blank">'. $file .'</a>' : 'Unable to save the file.';
- Click on the "Save Canvas Image" button to save the canvas image on server. In this demo, the image name will not be changed.