The JavaScript code presented in this page can be used to add text in canvas, from an input text field, as it is typed. The text is added on multiple lines in canvas, if exceds canvas width (see the comments in code).
<h4>Canvas</h4><canvas width="350" height="180" id="cnv1"></canvas><br/>
Text: <input type="text" id="text_cnv" size="40" maxlength="250" />
<script type="text/javascript">
// <![CDATA[
// Script to add Text in Canvas from input text field, as it is typed
// From:
// function to clear the canvas
// cnv = the object with the canvas element
function clearCanvas(cnv) {
var ctx = cnv.getContext('2d'); // gets reference to canvas context
ctx.beginPath(); // clear existing drawing paths; // store the current transformation matrix
// Use the identity matrix while clearing the canvas
ctx.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, cnv.width, cnv.height);
ctx.restore(); // restore the transform
// adds the text in canvas, oon multiple lines
// ctx = reference to canvas context
// text = the text to add
// x = horizontal position where to start adding the text
// y = vertical position where to start adding the text
// maxWidth = the maximum width of the text line
// lineHeight = the height of the line
function addTextCnv(ctx, text, x, y, maxWidth, lineHeight) {
// splits the text in words to can wrap it on new lie if exceds maxWidth
var words = text.split(' ');
var nr_w = words.length
var addtxt = '';
// sets to add the text and rows
for(var n = 0; n < nr_w; n ) {
var txtLine = addtxt words[n] ' ';
var metrics = ctx.measureText(txtLine);
var txtWidth = metrics.width;
if (txtWidth > maxWidth && n > 0) {
ctx.fillText(addtxt, x, y);
addtxt = words[n] ' ';
y = lineHeight;
else addtxt = txtLine;
// adds the text in canvas (sets text color, font type and size)
ctx.fillStyle = '#0001be';
ctx.font = 'bold 17px sans-serif';
ctx.fillText(addtxt, x, y);
// get a reference to the canvas element, and its context
var cnv1 = document.getElementById('cnv1');
var ctx1 = cnv1.getContext('2d');
// sets maximum line width, line height, and x /y coords for text
var maxWidth = cnv1.width - 10;
var lineHeight = 23;
var x_pos = (cnv1.width - maxWidth) / 2;
var y_pos = 15;
// register onkeyup event for #text_cnv text field to add the text in canvas as it is typed
document.getElementById('text_cnv').onkeyup = function() {
clearCanvas(cnv1); // clears the canvas
addTextCnv(ctx1, this.value, x_pos, y_pos, maxWidth, lineHeight);
// ]]>