Html Course

<html> - HTML markup opening - indicates that the information that follows is written in HTML
<head> - the opening HEAD tag - page header starts here
<title>Page Title</title> - TITLE tag - here is write a few words about the content of the page - those words will appear in the browser's title bar, if the page is added to a favorites list, they appear as the name of the page.
<meta name = "keywords"
content = "... a list of keywords ...">
<meta name = "description"
content ="... suggestive phrase ...">
... other instructions: JavaScript,
CSS, etc. ...
- metatags - help search engines to index the page.
- the value of attributes, such as "keywords" should be enclosed with double quotes ("), the keywords from content attribute are separated by a comma, eg: content="courses, free lessons, html, tutorials".
</head> - closing HEAD tag - page header ends here, what is in the header does not appear in the browser window.
<body> - opening BODY tag - it begins the body of the document, here is added the content that appears in Web page
... Text Content, HTML tags, images ... - everything that is addes here will be displayed in the browser window
</body> - closing BODY tag - it indicates the end of the document body
</html> - closing HTML tag

The HTML instructions (also called tags) begin with an open angle bracket < followed immediately by the name of the tag, one or more attributes (optional), then an closing angle bracket >.
Most instructions in pairs, the first is marking the opening and is of the form: that from the end it's the closing mark and does not contain attributes or spaces, is as follows: Spaces are permitted only between the statement and attribute names. The content located between the opening and closing tag will have the characteristics of that element.
The browser ignores the elements that it can't understand and those misspelled.
For example (if we symbolize the space by '_', than):
Wrong Result Good Result
<_h2>text</h2> < h2>text <h2> text </h2>


<_h4 _ style=color:red> text </_h4_> < h4 style=color:red> text </ h4 > <h4 style="color:red"> text </h4>


Daily Test with Code Example

Which tag is used to add lists into <ul> and <ol> elements?
<dt> <dd> <li>
Which value of the "display" property creates a block box for the content and ads a bullet marker?
block list-item inline-block
.some_class {
  display: list-item;
Which instruction converts a JavaScript object into a JSON string.
JSON.parse() JSON.stringify eval()
var obj = {
 "courses": ["php", "javascript", "ajax"]
var jsonstr = JSON.stringify(obj);
alert(jsonstr);    // {"courses":["php","javascript","ajax"]}
Indicate the PHP class used to work with HTML and XML content in PHP.
stdClass PDO DOMDocument
$strhtml = '<body><div id="dv1"></div></body>';
$dochtml = new DOMDocument();
$elm = $dochtml->getElementById("dv1");
echo $elm->nodeValue;    //
The general structure of HTML document

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