Html Course

There are many programs with which you can create webpages, even without knowing the HTML language, such as Microsoft FrontPage or Macromedia Dreamweaver.
The text editors are the most basic programs, and the most used for editing the webpage. The advantage is their simplicity, to create a webpage a few of the HTML language's codes are necessary, so the documents are made easily and rapidly, even more it uses very little space and memory sources, but they require knowing the HTML language.
Of the known text editors, the most used are NotePad, and NotePad++, which is also used for this course, but you can use any text editor. For beginners I recommend using Notepad++.

Creating the base of a HTML document

There are general elements that are necessary to create a HTML document.
First open the Notepad and write the basic structure of a web page. This is:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Title displayed in page</h1>
Now your webpage has HEAD and BODY inside the <HTML> base . It also has the TITLE element inside the HEAD element, that you should fill in with a representative text as the title of your document.
What you write in TITLE will appear in the upper line of the browser (above the menu). At TITLE you can put any text, but it is better to write something that describes as best as possible the subject and content of your webpage, because it is what most Internet search portals search and index, also is it indicated to not exceed 70 characters.
Below you will find an example on how a TITLE menu can be filled in and a content inside the page:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>HTML - Free courses and Tutorials</title>
<h1>Page title</h1>
Lessons, examples and explanations.

Setting document properties

- Document properties can be controlled by the attributes of the BODY element, ex: such as colors for page background and text color.
Colors are set by using the basic colors: red, green and blue, the word used is RGB (Red, Green, Blue), they are represented as hexadecimal values and are written betwin quotes (' '), but first you must add the character '#'. Each 2 units of the code represent one of the RGB colors.
For example: #00aa11 is a color that does not have Red (00), has Green (aa) and has less Blue (11).

The BODY element

After you hawve created the base of the document and set your properties, you must save the file. Saving must be done in a format that your browser can recognize. The stardard extension for a file that represents a webpage is '.htm' or '.html'. I usually use ('.html').
- To save a document to look like a webpage, in NotePad chose from the File menu the command Save and save the file with any name you want but with the html (or 'htm') extension - (At File name: write the name and the extension '.html', for example: index.html). If you do not write the extension, Notepade will save the document with the 'txt' extension.

- To see the document as a webpage, go to the directory where you saved the file and simply open it (either with Enter or by double-clicking with the mouse), it will be opened automatically by browser that you use (Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Opera). Or open your browser and click the Open command to open the document you saved.

- To continue work to change the webpage or to add something to the HTML document, open the document with NotePad. One way is to open the Notepad and from the File menu choose Open then find the file you want to modify and click the Open button. After you finish doing the changes, save, so that if you reopen the document as a webpage it will be opened with the new format. Here you can see the general structure of a webpage

Daily Test with Code Example

Which tag renders as emphasized text, displaying the text oblique?
<strong> <pre> <em>
<p>Web development courses: <em></em></p>
Which CSS property defines the space between the element border and its content?
margin padding position
h3 {
  padding: 2px 0.2em;
Click on the method which returns the first element that matches a specified group of selectors.
getElementsByName() querySelector() querySelectorAll()
// gets first Div with class="cls", and shows its content
var elm = document.querySelector("div.cls");
Indicate the PHP variable that contains data from a form sent with method="post".
if(isset($_POST["field"])) {
  echo $_POST["field"];
Building and editing HTML webpage

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