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Rating stars script - ReferenceError: renot not defined

Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 04:23
by waleedbarakat
Hello, dear respective admin,
I am sorry for creating another thread about issues in the same script (Ajax-PHP Rating Stars Script), but just to make it easier for people who face the same issue on their websites. The new issue is about:

Code: Select all

ReferenceError: renot is not definedratings.js:153:12
if(ratev !='' && (renot == undefined || renot == 2)) 
I don't wanna play around to avoid any other problems, so I preferred to ask you first how to resolve this issue? Here are some screenshots about the issue (it only appears after I click the stars and vote)

Note: (it only appears after I click the stars and vote)

The website URL is:

you can try any game you like, all games aren't rated yet, so, it'll be easy to detect the issue in the browser console.

Thank you.

Rating stars script - ReferenceError: renot not defined

Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 06:49
by Admin
Try make these changes in ratings.js file (in the area of code between the lines 134...153):
1. After this line of code:

Code: Select all

let jsonitems = JSON.parse(obajx.responseText);
Add the following line:

Code: Select all

let renot;

So, you must have:

Code: Select all

let jsonitems = JSON.parse(obajx.responseText);
let renot;

2. Delete the word "let" from this line of code:

Code: Select all

let renot = (data_rt && data_rt=='novote') ?1 :jsonitems[rtgitem][2];
So, it will be:

Code: Select all

renot = (data_rt && data_rt=='novote') ?1 :jsonitems[rtgitem][2];

- Or download again the script from this site (I made the changes).

Rating stars script - ReferenceError: renot not defined

Posted: 30 Jul 2019, 15:51
by waleedbarakat
Awesome! the issue resolved successfully, Thank you for skyrocket responses and help :)