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SSEP shows suggested results but not the search results

Posted: 21 Feb 2017, 15:49
by rcull
In the SSEP search script it shows suggested results and when you click on one, it goes to the index.php and shows no results but it has some of the style features.
Any solution to this problem?


SSEP shows suggested results but not the search results

Posted: 21 Feb 2017, 16:37
by Admin
Make sure that the "ssep_pgd_" table in database has the columns: title, description and content set with FULLTEXT option.
If it not works, the problem might be on the server level, but i cannot test it.

SSEP shows suggested results but not the search results

Posted: 21 Feb 2017, 20:52
by rcull
The database has the columns in table ssep_pgd_1 . The database is named teambuic_search.
I am not certain what is meant by Fulltext option.
Here is a image of the database which may answer the question.


SSEP shows suggested results but not the search results

Posted: 22 Feb 2017, 08:16
by Admin
To add FULLTEXT index to columns in that table, apply this sql in phpmyadmin:

Code: Select all

ALTER TABLE ssep_pgd_1 ADD FULLTEXT (title);
ALTER TABLE ssep_pgd_1 ADD FULLTEXT (description);
ALTER TABLE ssep_pgd_1 ADD FULLTEXT (content);
You can use this sql code to check if the ssep_pgd_1 table has columns with fulltext index.

Code: Select all

WHERE (table_schema, table_name) = ('Your_Database_Name', 'ssep_pgd_1')
AND index_type = 'FULLTEXT';
- If they are FULLTEXT indexed, try reindex again all the pages for search, in ssep admin panel.
- If still not works, it is possible that there are to few pages indexed for working with FULLTEXT BOOLEAN MODE. The search result is empty if the searched words are present in at least 50% of the rows.

- Another solution is to use the search query with NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE. For that change, open the "sitesearch.php" file (in "php/" folder) and replace all the getSearchSql() function with this (lines 87..199):

Code: Select all

private function getSearchSql($words){
    $re = getTL('er_ssep_results') .': '. implode(' ', $words);
    $nr_w = count($words);
    $min_val = [['tdc'=>0.01, 't'=>0.01, 'd'=>0.01], ['tdc'=>0.03, 't'=>0.15, 'd'=>0.1], ['tdc'=>0.05, 't'=>0.4, 'd'=>0.3]];  // minim value of row results to Boolean-Mode
    $i_mv = 0;

    if($nr_w > 0) {
      if($this->obsql) {
        $start = $this->pgi * $this->rowsperpage;           // the row from which start to select the content
        $against = '+'. implode(' +', $words);   // make a string with + in front of each word, separated by space

        // traverses by number of words, and removes '+' to each iteration, from the ending, till row with result
        for($i=0; $i<$nr_w; $i++) {
          if($i > 0) $against = preg_replace('/\+([^\+]+)$/i', '$1', $against);    // removes last +

          // make SELECT for each $min_val, to set the total number of pages ($totalpages)
          for($i2=0; $i2<3; $i2++) {
            $sql[$i2] = 'SELECT COUNT(idurl) AS nr FROM '. $this->tables['pgd'] .' WHERE
MATCH(title,description,content) AGAINST ("'. $against .'" IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) > '. $min_val[$i2]['tdc'] .' OR
  MATCH (title) AGAINST ("'. $against .'" IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) > '. $min_val[$i2]['t'] .'  AND
  MATCH (description) AGAINST ("'. $against .'" IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) > '. $min_val[$i2]['d'] .'

          $resql[0] = $this->obsql->sqlExec($sql[0]);  $num_rows[0] = $this->obsql->num_rows;  $i_mv = 0;
          // if more than 80 results in $min_val[0], get with $min_val[1] (if higher than 3)
          if(isset($resql[0][0]['nr']) && $resql[0][0]['nr'] > 80) {
            $resql[1] = $this->obsql->sqlExec($sql[1]);  $num_rows[1] = $this->obsql->num_rows;
            if(isset($resql[1][0]['nr'])) {
              if($resql[1][0]['nr'] > 3) $i_mv = 1;
              if($resql[1][0]['nr'] > 80) {
                $resql[2] = $this->obsql->sqlExec($sql[2]);  $num_rows[2] = $this->obsql->num_rows;
                if(isset($resql[2][0]['nr']) && $resql[2][0]['nr'] > 3) $i_mv = 2;  // index of accepted $min_val

          if($resql[$i_mv] && $num_rows[$i_mv] > 0) {
            if($i < ($nr_w - 1) && $resql[$i_mv][0]['nr'] < 7) continue;   // pass over less than 7 results, if not last iteration
            else if($resql[$i_mv][0]['nr'] > 0) {
              $this->nr_results = $resql[$i_mv][0]['nr'];
              $this->totalpages = ceil($this->nr_results / $this->rowsperpage);

        if($this->nr_results > 0) {
          $min_val = $min_val[$i_mv];
          // CASE for SQL, title, description applyed to each word
          $sql_case = "CASE WHEN %s REGEXP '(^[^A-z0-9 ]*%s[^A-z0-9 ]* | [^A-z0-9]*%s[^A-z0-9]* | [^A-z0-9]*%s[^A-z0-9 ]*$){%s}' THEN %d ELSE 0 END";

          // traverses by number of words, store in $sql_case_words each $sql_cases to each word
          // Score for relevance (Description start: 10+$nr_w ; Title start: description_start+$nr_w)
          // Decrease $i from $start_ in next iteration, to have more relevance for first words
          $sql_case_words = [];
          $start_d = 10 + $nr_w;
          $start_t = $start_d + $nr_w;
          for($i=0; $i<$nr_w; $i++) {
            $sql_case_words[] = sprintf($sql_case, 'title', $words[$i], $words[$i], $words[$i], 1, $start_t);
            $sql_case_words[] = sprintf($sql_case, 'description', $words[$i], $words[$i], $words[$i], '1,2', $start_d);
            $start_t--;  $start_d--;

          // select to get the results
          $sql = 'SELECT domain, protocol, url, title, description, content, size,
( '. implode(' + ', $sql_case_words) .'
  + MATCH (title,description,content) AGAINST ("'. $against .'" IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) / 2
) / '. (($nr_w * 2) + 1) .' AS score
FROM '. $this->tables['pgd'] .'
LEFT JOIN '. $this->tables['url'] .' ON '. $this->tables['pgd'] .'.idurl = '. $this->tables['url'] .'.id
LEFT JOIN '. $this->tables['dom'] .' ON '. $this->tables['dom'] .'.id = '. $_SESSION['src_dom_id'] .'
MATCH(title,description,content) AGAINST ("'. $against .'" IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) > '. $min_val['tdc'] .' OR
  MATCH (title) AGAINST ("'. $against .'" IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) > '. $min_val['t'] .' AND
  MATCH (description) AGAINST ("'. $against .'" IN NATURAL LANGUAGE MODE) > '. $min_val['d'] .'
ORDER BY score DESC LIMIT '. $start .', '. $this->rowsperpage;

          $resql = $this->obsql->sqlExec($sql);
          if($resql) {
            // If returned rows, removes those url from $urls
            if($this->obsql->num_rows > 0) $re = $resql;
          else $re = $this->obsql->error;
      else $re = $this->obsql->error;

    return $re;
- No other ideas.