Flash Course

The objects in stage can be arranged and positioned next to each other, aligned, rotated or overlapping.

Arranging and stacking order

The tricky part in arranging multiple objects in Stage appears when they overlap one over another, there are certain rules in the overlapping order: Flash allows you to change this order with the Arrange option (in the Modify menu). You can send a group or an object to the bottom of this stack or bring one at the bottom to the top.
The "Arrange" has four options:
Try this example:
  1. Draw a circle, a rectangle and a triangle (with "Object Drawing" mode), then stack them as in the image below
  2. Select the circle and click Modify -> Arrange, and choose Bring Forward. The circle appear in front of the rectangle.
  3. Select the rectangle and click Modify -> Arrange, and choose Bring to Front. The rectangle is brought on top of the others.
  4. Select the circle and the triangle only (press Shift key and click on them), click Modify -> Group to add these two objects into a Group. The Group is automatically brought to the top of the stack.
  5. To bring the Group to the bottom of the stack, select it and click Modify -> Arrange, then choose Bring to Back
- See the steps of this example in the image below:
Arrange example

The shapes made ​​with "Merge Drawing" can not be brought ​​in front of the "Drawing Object" shapes. In this case you must create them on a higher layer.


Adobe Flash has a special panel to align objects in the stage. It can be opened from the menu: Window -> Align.
The Align panel contains several groups of buttons for alignment and sizing objects between each other, relative to their edges or center, as well as for align objects in relation to the edges and center of the stage (see picture below).
Align panel
Try the next example:
  1. Draw a rectangle and select it.
  2. Open the Align panel (Window -> Align)
  3. Enable the button "Align to stage" and test the effect of the other buttons
  4. Delete the rectangle (with "Del" key), and draw other different three shapes, placed randomly
  5. Select these shapes, and open the Align panel
  6. Disable "Align to stage" button and test to see the effects of the other buttons
In the presentation below you can watch this example:

Using Align pannel



The objects can be rotated in Stage with the Free Transform tool.
- Select the "Free Transform tool" from "Tools panel" and click on a shape to select it. Then, click and drag any of the corner handles on the bounding box to rotate the shape.

Rotation with Free Transform tool

Rotation with Free Transform
Rotating with Free Transform is less precise. If you want an exact degree rotation (e.g 90, 15, 75 degree) you can use the Transform panel. This panel can be opened from Window -> Transform.
- Select the object you want to rotate, open the "Transform panel", then add a degree number under the Rotation option, like in the image below.
Transform panel
The rotation from this panel is made ​​in terms of clock hours.

- Another rotation type is the "mirror rotation". This can be made from Modify menu -> Transform -> Flip Vertical (or Flip Horisontal). With these two options, the object (shape, image, Group) can be rotated vertically or horizontally, obtaining their image in the mirror.

Daily Test with Code Example

Which attribute is used in <a> tag for the address of the link?
src href rel
<a href="http://coursesweb.net/" title="CoursesWeb.net">CoursesWeb.net</a>
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font-family text-decoration font-size
h2 {
What instruction selects all the <div> tags with class="cls"?
querySelector("div.cls") getElementsByTagName("div") querySelectorAll("div.cls")
var elm_list = document.querySelectorAll("div.cls");
var nr_elms = elm_list.length;       // number of selected items
Indicate the function that can be used to get the sum of values in an array.
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$arr_sum = array_sum($arr);
echo $arr_sum;       // 10
Overlapping, Alignment and Rotation

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