Adobe Flash has a special serie of options for color effects, named Filters.
These options for Filters effects are: Drop Shadow, Blur, Glow, Bewel, Gradient Glow, Gradient Bewel and Adjust Color
- You can find them in the "Properties panel", in the FILTERS subpanel (see the image below).
This subpanel appears only for objects that can apply Filters effects: Text, Button Symbol and Movie Clip.
- For other types of objects, drawings, groups or images; you must convert them into a Symbol to be able to apply Filters Effects.
Adding filters
To add Filters effects to an object on the stage, perform the following steps:
- Select the respective object on the stage (it must be Text, Buton or Movie Clip)
- In the Properties panel find Filters, and click on it (if it's not already opened). Flash will open a subpanel under it, for filter effects.
- Click on the small button (Add Filters) in the lower-left corner of this sub-panel (as you can see in these images). This will open a menu with various effects, choose one.
- The respective effect is added in the sub-panel, with its setting options, and in the same time it is applied to the object selected on the stage.
- Each effect has its own properties through which you can set different changes for that effect, such as: color or combination of colors, angle, distance, quality, and others.
- You can also add multiple filters to the same object on the Stage, to get a variety of color effects. They are included one by one in the Filters sub-panel.
- To disable an effect of the ones added in the "Filters subpanel" click on its name in the sub-panel and then on the small button "
Enable or Disable Filtre" (with the image of an eye, located on the same line as "Add Filters"). The effect will remain in the sub-panel and can be activated from the same button.
- To delete a "Filter", select it and click on the button "
Delete Filter" (from the same line).
- The "
Reset Filter" button (with a reversed arrow) restores the effect properties to the initial values.
Click on the image below to see a Flash presentation which shows you how to apply Filters to a text, and to change their properties.
- Tutorial Filters effects
- The FLA file with this example can be downloaded from:
Tutorial Filters effects.
Daily Test with Code Example
What attribute makes the input text box to not be modified by the user?
checked="checked" readonly="readonly" disabled="disabled"<input type="text" value="fixed-value" readonly="readonly" name="a_name" />
What CSS property allows you to create rounded corners in your webpage design?
background-size border-size border-radius.class {
border:2px solid blue;
What instruction displays a confirmation dialog box to the viewer, who must then click OK or Cancel to proceed?
indexOf() confirm() prompt()var ques = window.confirm("The result of 0+0 is 0?");
if (ques) alert("Corect");
else alert("Incorrect");
Indicate the PHP function that returns the lowest number of the parameter values.
floor() ceil() min()$min_nr = min(12, 8, 25, 13);
echo $min_nr; // 8