Flash Course

The Deco tool is on the Tools panel, it allows you to apply decorative drawing effects to the Stage or a selected object on the Stage.
With this tool you can apply several effects: Vine Fill, Grid Fill, Symmetry Brush, 3D Brush, Building Brush, Decorated, Fire Animation, Flame Brush, Flower Brush, Lightning Brush, or Tree Brush.
All these effects can be selected from the Drawing Effect in the "Properties panel" (after you've selected the "Deco Tool"). Each of these properties have their own options (on the Advanced Options sub-menu), which can create quite complex combinations of effects.

Deco Tool Properties panel

Deco Tool Properties panel

Using Deco Tool

  1. Open a new Flash document and select "Rectangle tool"
  2. Draw a rectangle in the Stage (with a light fill color, fo example, yellow)
  3. Select Deco Tool on the Tools panel
  4. Click on the rectangle you have drawn. A decorative effect will start to cover the fill of the rectangle.
    - The decorative effect is the one set it the "Drawing Effect", on the Properties panel. This effect will cover the entery area of the rectangle, or until you click again.
  5. Click on an empty area in the Stage. The "deco-effect" will begin to cover the empty area of the stage, click again to stop it.
- In the presentation below you can see various examples with Deco Tool effects:

Deco tool examples

- Here -> Deco tool example you can download the FLA file with this presentation.

Daily Test with Code Example

Which tag is used to add lists into <ul> and <ol> elements?
<dt> <dd> <li>
Which value of the "display" property creates a block box for the content and ads a bullet marker?
block list-item inline-block
.some_class {
  display: list-item;
Which instruction converts a JavaScript object into a JSON string.
JSON.parse() JSON.stringify eval()
var obj = {
 "courses": ["php", "javascript", "ajax"]
var jsonstr = JSON.stringify(obj);
alert(jsonstr);    // {"courses":["php","javascript","ajax"]}
Indicate the PHP class used to work with HTML and XML content in PHP.
stdClass PDO DOMDocument
$strhtml = '<body><div id="dv1">CoursesWeb.net</div></body>';
$dochtml = new DOMDocument();
$elm = $dochtml->getElementById("dv1");
echo $elm->nodeValue;    // CoursesWeb.net
Deco Tool

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