CSS codes (Cascading Style Sheets) can be written within the page or in an external file with the 'css' extension.
CSS-based style sheets consist of a list of statements, or rule sets. A rule set consists of a selector followed by a declaration block containing style properties and their values.
When the CSS code is written in the HTML document, it can be added in the HEAD section, in a <style> tag or inside the HTML element, with 'style' attribute.
attribute can contain a semicolon separated list of CSS declarations to that specific element.<div style='color:blue; font-weight:700; font-size:20px'>Peace is good, love it.</div>
<style> selector { property:value; another_property:value; } </style>- Example, all the H4 elements in page have text-decoration:underline; and margin-left:10%;.
<!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title>Page Title</title> <style> h4 { margin-left:10%; text-decoration:underline; } </style> </head> <body> <h4>Example css in style tag</h4> <h4>Other H4 element</h4> </body> </html>
When the style sheets are written in an external file, the CSS code is added in the same way, but without the <style> tag.
You use selectors to define the elements on a page that you want to apply certain properties to.
There are various types of selectors: universal selector, Type selector, class selector, ID selector and attribute selector.
The universal selector is represented with an asterisk (*) and is applied to all elements.
In the following code, every element containing HTML text would be styled with Calibri or Arial font:
<style> * { font-family: Calibri, Arial, sans-serif; } </style> <h4>This is a text in H4</h4> <p>This is a paragraph.</p>
The type selector selects an element by its type (tag name), it represents the HTML tag to style.
The following rules apply a font size to all 'H3' tags and a color style to all '<p>' elements within a web page.
<style> h3 { font-size: 18px; } p { color: blue; } </style> <h3>H3 with font-size: 18px</h3> <p>A simple paragraph.</p>
The class selector matches elements with the specified class attribute.
When you want to apply the same CSS rule on different HTML tags, you can use a class selector.
To create a class within a HTML tag, just add a class attribute and its value.
<style> .clas1 { color: #00d000; } </style> <h3 class='clas1'>H3 with class='clas1'</h3> <p>HTML paragraph without class.</p> <p class='clas1'>Another paragraph with class 'clas1'.</p>
The ID selectors refers to a single HTML element that has the specified 'id' attribute.
An ID selector can appear multiple times in a CSS document, but it can appear only once in an HTML document, defining only one HTML tag.
To create an ID within a HTML tag, just add an 'id' attribute and its value.
<style> #id1 { font-size: 20px; } </style> <p id='id1'>This HTML element has id='id1'.</p> <p id='id2'>This paragraph has another ID.</p>
In addition to 'id' and 'class' attributes, any attribute can be used for selection with the attribute selectors.
- In CSS, the attribute selector is added between square brackets [], they have four main options for finding an element.
- Selects elements with the attribute attr.<style> [title] { color: blue; } </style> <p title='Some title'>All HTML elements with 'title' attribute have color blue.</p> <blockquote title='Other title'>This is a blockquote tag..</blockquote>
- Selects elements with the attribute attr with the value equal to val.<style> [data-exp=games] { background: #fefe90; } </style> <p>HTML elements with data-exp='games' attribute have a background color.</p> <a href='//gamv.eu/' data-exp='games' title='Flash Games'>GamV.eu</a>
- Selects elements with the attribute attr that contain the space-separated attribute somewhere in the value.<style> a[title~=develop] { text-decoration: none; } </style> <p>Links with the word <b>develop</b> in the 'title' attribute have no underline.</p> <a href='//gamv.eu/' title='Courses Web develop'>CoursesWeb.net</a><br> <a href='//gamv.eu/' title='Flash Games'>GamV.eu</a>
- Selects elements with the attribute attr whose value equals val or begins with val followed by the separator (-) (val-word).<style> [lang|=en] { color:blue; } </style> <p>Elements with a <b>lang</b> attribute that contains a lang value (en) have color blue.</p> <blockquote lang='En-Us'>This blockquote has lang='En-Us'.</blockquote> <blockquote lang='Es'>Esto tiene lang='Es'.</blockquote>
CSS is case insensitive. For example, the color property is equivalent to the COLOR property. By convention, properties and values are typically written using lowercase characters.
<table><tr> <th>Title 1</th> <th>Title 2</th> </tr></table>
.some_class { line-height: 150%; }
document.getElementById("id_button").onclick = function(){ window.open("http://coursesweb.net/"); }
$ar_dir = scandir("dir_name"); var_export($ar_dir);