
I just started to read this book: The Mastery of Love by Don Miguel Ruiz; and I wanted to accomplish what it is already accomplished, to share it here for the others who visit this blog and want to read it.
In this book Don Miguel uses inspirational stories to impart the wisdom of three fundamental Toltec masteries (Awareness, Transformation, and Love).

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The Story from Introduction: The Master

Once upon a time, a master was talking to a crowd of people, and his message was so wonderful that everyone felt touched by his words of love. In the crowd there was a man who had listened to every word the Master said. This man was very humble, and he had a great heart. He was so touched by the Master's words that he felt the need to invite the Master to his home.
When the Master finished speaking, the man walked through the crowd, looked into the eyes of the Master, and told him, "I know you are busy and everyone wants your attention. I know you hardly have time to even listen to my words. But my heart is so open and I feel so much love for you that I have the need to invite you to my home. I want to prepare the best meal for you. I don't expect you will accept, but I just had to let you know."
The Master looked into the man's eyes, and with the most beautiful smile he said, "Prepare everything. I will be there." Then the Master walked away.
At these words, the joy in the man's heart was strong. He could hardly wait to serve the Master and to express his love for him.
This would be the most important day of his life: The Master was going to be with him. He bought the best food and wine, and found the most beautiful clothes to offer as a gift to the Master. Then he ran home to prepare everything to receive the Master. He cleaned his entire house, prepared the most wonderful meal, and made the table look beautiful. His heart was full of joy because the Master would soon be there.
The man was waiting anxiously when someone knocked at the door. Eagerly, he opened the door, but instead of the Master, he found an old woman. She looked into his eyes and said, "I am starving. Can you give me a piece of bread?"
The man was a little disappointed because it was not the Master. He looked at the woman and said, "Please, come into my house." He sat her in the place he had prepared for the Master, and gave her the food he had made for the Master. But he was anxious and could hardly wait for her to finish eating. The old woman was touched by the generosity of this man. She thanked him and left.
The man had barely finished preparing the table for the Master again when someone knocked at the door. This time it was another stranger who had traveled across the desert. The stranger looked into the man's face and said, "I am thirsty. Can you give me something to drink?"
The man was a little disappointed again because it was not the Master. He invited the stranger into his home, and sat him in the place he had prepared for the Master. He served the wine he had intended to give the Master. When the stranger left, the man again prepared everything for the Master.
Someone knocked at the door again. When the man opened the door, there stood a child. The child looked up at the man and said, "I am freezing. Can you give me a blanket to cover my body?"
The man was a little disappointed because it was not the Master, but he looked into the eyes of the child and felt love in his heart. Quickly he gather
ed the clothes he had intended to give the Master, and he covered the child with the clothes. The child thanked him and left. The man prepared everything again for the Master, and then he waited until it was very late. When he realized the Master was not coming, he was disappointed, but right away he forgave the Master. He said to himself, "I knew I could not expect the Master to come to this humble home. Although he said he would come, something more important must have taken him elsewhere. The Master did not come, but at least he told me he would, and that is enough for my heart to be happy."
Slowly he put the food away, he put the wine away, and he went to bed. That night he dreamed the Master came to his home.
The man was happy to see him, but he didn't know that he was dreaming. "Master you came! You kept your word."
The Master replied, "Yes, I am here, but I was here before. I was hungry, and you fulfilled my need for food. I was thirsty, and you gave me the wine. I was cold, and you covered me with clothes.
Whatever you do for others, you do for me."
The man woke up, and his heart was filled with happiness, because he understood what the Master had taught him. The Master loved him so much that he had sent three people to give him the greatest lesson: The Master lives within everyone. When you give food to the one who is starving, when you give water to the one who is thirsty, when you cover the one who is cold, you give your love to the Master.

Table of Contents:

Introduction: The Master
1. The Wounded Mind
2. The Loss of Innocence
3. The Man Who Didn't Believe in Love
4. The Track of Love, The Track of Fear
5. The Perfect Relationship
6. The Magical Kitchen
7. The Dream Master
8. Sex: The Biggest Demon in Hell
9. The Divine Huntress
10. Seeing With Eyes of Love
11. Healing the Emotional Body
12. God Within You
Prayer for awareness
Prayer for self-love
The Mastery of Love

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